Monday, 17 December 2012

Don't create enemies

Are Mass Shootings a Result of Male Resentment? | Clarissa's Blog

I have noticed that a lot of people, let us say young men in this instance, tend to create the situations they fear.  I told you about my experience on a YouTube site where people were attacking a skeptic woman for making fun of evolutionary science.  These guys immediately began projecting their weird stuff onto me about how assumedly I wasn't "logical". Well, you would have needed to take a much greater sample of my ideas than they had to come up with that conclusion. All they had was my suggestion that perhaps they were, after all, trying to turn skepticism into a religion to keep people out, as one of them had joked about doing.

So, they attack me -- someone they don't know anything about,apart from my gender -- for qualities conventionally associated with stereotypical femininity.

Consequently, they create an enemy out of me, when I only intended to express disagreement.

My view is that perhaps a lot of men are creating enemies out of those whom them perceive as feminists.  Perhaps they fear that feminists will take away their freedom to think.  Therefore they go out of their way to get feminists to oppose them and make their lives miserable, perhaps even to the point of provoking retributive anger.

Something doesn't have to be true for it to develop all the aspects of seeming to be true.  Alternatively, some things are true, whilst seeming to the majority of people not to be.  Mass projections may be more common than individual, isolated projections, because the individual projection involves more risk.  People generally like to encounter the outside world as a group, on the basis of consensus, rather than as lonely, isolated people -- as Nietzsche points out.

What I'm trying to get at is that belief in feminism taking away men's rights can suffice in many instances to make men act out aggressively, even when the majority of feminists have no interest in taking away men's rights.  The fear many people have, about their changing world, can cause feminism to seem more threatening than it is.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity