Was Adam Lanza Mentally Ill? | Clarissa's Blog
Justice ought not to be a matter of subjectivity. Western culture has it back-to-front. Killing people is not a subjective issue. That’s an objective fact. If an act breaks the law, then you ought to be punished.
Western culture makes justice into a subjective issue and personal experiences into an objective one. People are often ready to let a criminal off the hook if he has suffered, but they want to police your private emotions, to determine whether you have the right to feel a certain way. “How dare you feel this way or that way?!” they proclaim. But a big crime deserves our interest and our sympathy.
One day, maybe people will realize that they’ve turned everything back-to-front.
Justice ought not to be a matter of subjectivity. Western culture has it back-to-front. Killing people is not a subjective issue. That’s an objective fact. If an act breaks the law, then you ought to be punished.
Western culture makes justice into a subjective issue and personal experiences into an objective one. People are often ready to let a criminal off the hook if he has suffered, but they want to police your private emotions, to determine whether you have the right to feel a certain way. “How dare you feel this way or that way?!” they proclaim. But a big crime deserves our interest and our sympathy.
One day, maybe people will realize that they’ve turned everything back-to-front.
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