Thursday, 13 December 2012

The biologists, massaging wounded gender identities

I have been studying the lay of the land with contemporary feminism, because there are trends within it that are not so healthy. If that news has finally reached me in my hermit’s hovel, it must be significant. Some really decent men around me have come under attack from some wives, colleagues or girlfriends who are anything but fine people, but who are using feminist levers in order to win petty, personal battles.

The view that gender relations is determined by biological status has been taken up by the left and right, and they are both attacking each other with it. There is one highly notable person who produces YouTube videos along an evolutionary psychology line — girl writes what. She tailors her views to pander to the perspectives of disgruntled MRAs. Her level of popularity is very high, and her perspective is exceedingly biologist.

I find a biologist — or evolutionary psychologist — perspective to be quite pointless, theoretically unfounded, as well as being socially degrading.

It seems people have fallen into this way of looking at the world by default, because they haven’t experienced any strong cultural alternatives, which would make them think of others in more human terms. Seeing the world in terms of biological determinism, for example, the notion that women and men are both looking to trade up all the time, and will stab their partners in the back to do so, only reinforces the cheapening behavior.

I commented on one of the videos that my relationship was not an outcome of biological determinism, since I sought and found a partner whose childhood experiences and upbringing most closely matched mine — it just happened that I had to delve back into history to find him. Our age difference is 23 years apart. To my mind, this indicates that for at least one person, cultural issues are much more significant than maximizing breeding potential.

Of course, one would need a developed intellect to understand what I am saying. The ability to analyse is not innate or biological. It has to be taught. If it is not taught, we can only return to the default, in terms of understanding anything — which is biology or personal appearance.

It’s not that people are simply “apes” and that is all we can do about it. Rather, they’ve been taught not to be anything more than apes. Then they label their apelike gesticulations as “feminism” or “men’s rights”, when all I can see is an ape scratching his hairy buttocks.

Nonetheless, if you want to get in on the debate, it is helpful to know that everyone has made a turn toward biologism, most likely as a way to avoid the more difficult task of developing a mind of their own.

It’s sad when people buy reassuring, ego-massaging rubbish. Just because it makes someone feel temporarily morally vindicated doesn’t mean it isn’t shit.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity