Thursday, 13 December 2012

Evolutionary losers

Some apes are remarkably lacking in self awareness, and I think their hostility springs from this. It’s as if they are evolutionary losers in the true sense, people who haven’t figured it out, who are trying to make a religion out of science to bolster their self-confidence.

I went there because I’m tired of the way YouTube seems to be dominated by immature males. I wanted to open up the scope for debate a bit. But, it’s impossible.

Thing about "Evolutionary Psychology" (EP) is, if you know yourself, you’re not going to be looking for someone in authority to explain to you who you are. Now, as I said, had I gone there ten or twenty years ago, these guys would have confused me a great deal. I wouldn’t have had such a clear idea of who I am, back then, so if someone threw a random insult, I might have reflected that perhaps it had some basis in truth.

Now, I have a very thorough idea of who I am, and I had anticipated some projection — but not as much as I got. I had decided right from the start not to be drawn in by any emotional hook. So all of my responses were very formal, giving nothing away about myself, and returning their statements to them in the form of a Socratic dialogue.

As a result of my wholly emotionally-devoid engagement, they concluded that I am “a female stereotype” and must be told to stop acting like one.

So, a virtual algorithm that just returned their statements back to them, whilst probing to see if their hatred of skeptic Rebecca Watson was misogynist, is viewed by them as having the qualities of “a female stereotype”.

This shows that the need to project must have been intense

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Cultural barriers to objectivity