Sunday, 14 April 2013

Be an ape among apes

Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

Adults these days are no longer adults. That is something I’ve come to realize. Most people throw up their arms and pronounce something that sounds like, “Let fate decide what happens to me and those around me.” I noticed it immediately when I moved from Zimbabwe in the early eighties to Australia. Suddenly everything was Disneyland and nothing was quite real. The news provided entertainment rather than information. People cast their fate to the winds and allowed it to decide for them.

I’ve also had recent clarity as to why I have developed a distaste for much of postmodernism. It reinforces this same regression as a necessity through its extreme form of philosophical idealism. If I’m not meant to make a judgment about anything because I’m not sure whether it’s happening inside or outside of my head, at best I’m forced to rely on other people’s judgments or defer to whatever turns out to transpire in the absence of my interventions. The practical ramifications of adopting a particular worldview are more important than the surface form it takes. Adults are reduced to children when they do not take up the appropriate tools of adulthood and make judgments. If they’re incapable of intervening in a situation charged up by mob mentality, they are far from being adults. 

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Cultural barriers to objectivity