Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Thatcher and Woman-Haters | Clarissa's Blog

Thatcher and Woman-Haters | Clarissa's Blog

I can't read any of the "feminist" blogs anymore. What the hell are they talking about? I think the main difference between me and this group of people, the current generation of cultural moderns, or what have you, is that I take a very long term view of anything I set my hand to. I don't care about small victories or small defeats so long as I win the war. My tenacity and endurance are my strengths. By the same token, I can't understand short-term opportunism. If somebody's down (read: in the grave), you start shooting at them? Or you call them by misogynistic names because they hurt your feelings? I quite literally don't understand short-term viewpoints. I'm not built that way for sure. I'm built for the long haul and all of my thinking is geared in relation to the longest term endurance possible. I also build up my perspectives on things and people very slowly. Modernity, however, is a quite a madness: at times a vicious, but mostly effete, pop and fizzle.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity