Monday, 29 April 2013

The shamanic wound

Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

1  Oh, wow, yes, the long list of bodily dysfunctions that will probably result from throwing one's chemistry off-balance by taking pills. {see the link above}.  I'm sure that gives one peace of mind. Or maybe trusting in authorities is what is deemed to be so reassuring.

As regards the need to take the pressure off in the immediate aftermath of some kind of trauma, I agree that this is useful. The body often has its own means for assisting this. Mentally, we dissociate. After that, it is important to pull the pieces back together again, or we can remain prone to developing dissociative states. The healing process is very important. It can be prolonged. It's probably better to have a prolonged healing process, since it is an enjoyable journey, and there are windows that open into the subconscious during this time that one would not normally have. One can effectively see into oneself, with a bit of practice, and by looking in, one can alter what one sees there.

For instance, when I looked into me, I saw that I was emotionally repressed to the extent that my only reference point in life was "duty". Now I have changed that and life is very good. The shamanic wound is very useful and interesting for self-development.

2.  The human body comprises a whirling potential of massive and multiple imbalances.   Let us prop it up in multiple directions like very bad engineers.

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