Sunday, 14 April 2013

The moralist's determination to see sinfulness

Sunday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

Unfortunately it's the whole Christian paradigm thing. The idea seems to be that if we are on the lookout for sin, which apparently has the capacity to sneak up on the best of us, we can stop it in its tracks. But we cannot do so without being eternally vigilant, spying it out in all of its potential hiding places.

 Thus do parents who honestly believe they have the best interests of their child at heart set traps for their child. They combat a demon in their child that does not exist  unless they will it into life.

 That's projective identification. I see a demon in you and I keep seeing one until you become that demon. Only then am I gratified that my suspicions about you have been confirmed. "Didn't I say there was that particular monster in you? And there it is!" As Nietzsche said, the Christian determination to see the world as evil inevitably assures that it is.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity