Yes. In that sense, the human tendency towards resentment arising from personal weakness has that positive potential within it: moving away from the self-centeredness [remaining immature] and towards empathy and sensitivity to others, a greater self-understanding, and of-course, overcoming falsity, ignorance.
Misogyny is a prime example of male weakness in that regard as well, posing, predictably, as a strength.
Misogyny is a prime example of male weakness in that regard as well, posing, predictably, as a strength.
+NeX Yes, I agree. And misogyny is the prime temptation for men that leads to a downfall, not just psychologically (although primarily so--since it decreases richness in life and even cognitive ability) but also in an ethical sense (it undermines one's social respect).
If an idea of proper conduct is rooted in envy, it can only be self-serving, self-centered, and domineering yet it poses to be caring and righteous
Perhaps, a natural reaction when one lacks the emotional strength at a given time, until the moment that strength is gathered, and a tempering occurs through reason.
What do you think?