Sunday, 21 August 2016

Βοηθήστε στην ενημέρωση-αφύπνιση πάνω στον ναρκισσισμό - YouTube

Βοηθήστε στην ενημέρωση-αφύπνιση πάνω στον ναρκισσισμό - YouTube 

I have a very ethnocentric sense of humor, which is appropriate due to the fact that I have been called some very nasty names over my life, things that imply I am a white supremacist, although I am nothing of the sort, and never had any power remotely to be something of that sort or to choose my own identity. Therefore when I hear someone speak in another language, I sometimes like to intone to whomever is listening, "You know, their English isn't really very good." In this case, this video is simply Greek to me.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity