Thursday 26 February 2009

a key component of my knowledge

The schizoid element in the personality [..] “dreads emotional experience” […].He/she asks, “What is the point of railing against your lot when it will (apparently) do no good, and when nothing will change?” This meeting [that Job endures] with what seems like the insuperable power of the other/reality is what destroys the individual. […]

[Later Job], has “stood up like a man”. It is not, a question, ultimately of right or wrong, winning or losing, Job has gained not because he triumphed over God – he has not (he “repents in dust and ashes”)—but because he has become congruent with, and has integrated, his emotional core. [Marcus West, Feeling, Being and the Sense of Self, p 229, 230]

I see this destructive encounter with "God" as shamanistic, for it renews the psyche/soul.

1 comment:

Seeing Eye Chick said...

We need more people to slip that is for sure.

Cultural barriers to objectivity