Sunday 30 January 2011

The male impetus (projection?)

11 hours ago · Like


Karen Winnett

Psych studies, [...], do show men have somewhat truncated emotions.Testosterone is a killer of many things, and is adrenalin fed.
This of course supposes there is some compulsion to ACT upon a feeling, which there is blatantly NOT.
If a projecti
on is derived from the past experience of a male with females, then it is literally "shadow boxing". Perhaps the fuel for certain major emotional experiences can be quantified from biochemistry, but the decision is psychological, the expression , - social.
So many male / female encounters are actually not only a play out of atavistic neurochemistry, their expression psychologically is an odd mixture of a mosaic of previous experiences, projected from the male to the female, and the female back.
This is sadly inheriting both the cultural weight, and the biochemical parameters of the species, and it take a hyperawareness to see the impetus, and the projection.

about an hour ago · Like


Jennifer Armstrong Very well expressed, Karen. You have an answer the biological argument, there. Well done.

As an aside, I wonder whether the shamanistic injunction to "do nothing" but learn to be at one with one's own subjectivity is, in fact, the means to overcome this impasse of projection and counterprojection.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity