Thursday 21 May 2015

Manic Narcissists Should Not Be Enabled In Our Society

A common experience for me has been when people have perceived the mobbing I've endured and I guess made the impulsive or calculated decision to attack me again, as I seem to them to be vulnerable.  The fact is I've always kept a very clear head, especially under extreme duress, so those people are walking into trouble by trying to pile onto me.   If they start behaving like some of the mentally ill people that have attacked me, I immediately categorize them as belonging to the enemy camp, and I do treat them as such, by distancing them and putting them under the lens of critical scrutiny.   I'm very much the opposite of a pushover, since I've never had a deep need to belong, but I do value integrity in people and punish the lack thereof.  The mentally ill opportunists certainly do not see that if I am pointing out that somebody around me has behaved in a hostile and violent manner toward me that is because I already have them pegged and neutralized.  If people don't see this, for some reason, and take the opposite side, working against me, I only have to repeat the same strategies that I used in the first instance to more quickly neutralize the same kind of behavior in those who have taken to copying the tactics of the orginal psychotic person.  The psychotic narcissists thus fall into traps that I didn't even set for them.  It's strange and amazing to see.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity