Friday 9 October 2009

Shamanistic communication

Shamanism is about rebalancing the hidden forces of eros and thanatos, so that a healthier situation is produced. Often one inherits unhealthy situations, and the resulting violence can cause one to shamanise -- that is, to double the self, thus enabling better knowledge of one's social and political context through introspection.

When this happens, one must make amends with the past, in order to return the forces of the present into a better balance. Since fate has dictated that one must suffer violence, this making amends is often the best way to put one's experiences to use.

In this sense, the shaman is almost always a kind of sacrificial figure.

This does not mean that he or she fails to view the situation they are in ironically.

Rather, if one wants to understand communication at a shamanistic level: Always assume there is a strong element of irony in it, concerning the arbitrary proclivities of fate.

Otherwise -- like most of Nietzsche's contemporary followers, you will end up with egg on your face.

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