Friday 25 October 2013

The negation of the negation

There exists a handicap that is far from physical.  If you have internalised a whole lot of false premises to the point that they have become instinct, you will feel thwarted in various aspects of your life.  People will act in ways they are not supposed to.  Your relationships will fail without you having any clear idea as to why.

The philosophy of the redemeer has worked its way under your skin to the point that it has become flesh.  Now you are dizzy and twisted.   You make endless sacrifices but then you latch onto the sadist who wants to exploit you, because his words somehow ring true, appealing to your twisted instincts.  

This redeemer haunting your soul needs to be exorcised so that you will rely on yourself alone.  

1.  One must negate the validity of his commands by training one's instincts to do the opposite to what he says.

2.  One must then negate the original presence of the messiah in one's heart.  This is the negation of the negation -- the only way to become free.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity