Thursday 20 November 2008

Out there

I realise that I am at the end of an era with a certain section of my writing. It is good to move on. I am looking forward to a very interesting conference in a few days time.

I've researched so much, and I've found that despite what I had learned, perhaps incorrectly, in my undergraduate days, it is possible to take a standpoint outside of ideology. One can do so if one regresses far back enough, into one's previous states of consciousness, from which point it is possible to rebuild one's awareness, and even, to some lesser degree, perhaps, one's sense of identity. I agree with Wilfred Bion that the splitting of one's psyche and personality is something possible from events in adulthood. I think it is the basis for our capacity to creatively adapt actually. So it is not all bad, or pathological, even.

But I'm so finished with the topic of the pre-Oedipal for the time being. Donald Meltzer wasn't wrong when he referred to it, in its pathological aspects, as The Claustrum. To regress too far is to risk entering the Claustrum, perhaps never to return fully. That is why shamans are masters of, among other places and things, the "underworld", and have to train to know its risks. But I don't want to be a shaman, not in this sense of deep dabbling in the Freudian unconscious. I have another life to live.

This one.

And so I turn to better and brighter things. I turn to training, and to the feeling of the sunlight, since summer is arriving.

I've explored more than most people would, on a nefarious subject.

Now, let's see what else is out there.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity