Friday 30 January 2015

APEHEAD: In the Name of Anti-fascism | Clarissa's Blog

APEHEAD: In the Name of Anti-fascism | Clarissa's Blog

In the Name of Anti-fascism | Clarissa's Blog

In the Name of Anti-fascism | Clarissa's Blog

It’s like the tribal wars that are permitted to take place in the name of “anti-colonialism”. The words and the concepts dominate, but the realities do not matter and neither does death. We are living in a world of abundant stupidity where people think they know what things are, but assuredly do not, no matter how much evidence is presented to them. Mugabe learned this trick. Just start killing and call it “anti-colonialism”. Everyone then goes along with it like docile sheep.
As I keep pointing out, the wounding at the base of the Western psyche is its fear of being identified as “colonial” and from this comes the whole distortion of the Western psyche and its capacity to take in reality. He gets stuck on words and attributes too much meaning to them because he is afraid to take in political and historical meaning

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