Wednesday 19 November 2014

Good and bad things about colonial society

Good things

1.  Freedom to roam on bike, horseback or foot just about anywhere.

2.  The sense of there being no limits except for the ones you set for yourself

3.  Belonging

4.  The predictability of life

5.  The blustery great outdoors

6.  Political self-determination

7.  The can do attitude

8.  The effectiveness of authority to get things done

9.  Team spirit

10.  Humor and the imagination

Bad things

1.    The rigidity of roles

2.  The complete objectivity of the society (no room for subjectivism or subjective individualism)

3.  No political education

4. History and politics were kept apart

5.  The indifference to pain and even to death

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Cultural barriers to objectivity