Saturday 29 November 2014

Thursday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

Thursday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

“\\ Mothers may dominate their little girls and expect them to share their troubles, but domination has been found to be far less damaging to the child’s psyche than abandonment and routine distancing.
Give me distancing from the parent folk any day. The fact that I had earlier had this distancing was the only reason I was able to pull myself out of a nose dive.
You just have to be really careful of pseudo-feminism, which makes out that materal overparenting may be a good thing. Even relatively. Feminist is off the rails because of this stupid mode of superiority thinking, that tries to reassure the collapsed ego of the battered and bruised that they are still good people who have something to say. It’s not so. You need to look at everything from an engineering perspective and see the structure for what it is, without emotional evaluation or judgements about individual identities and their capacity for good or evil. First just simply see things as they are, in a structual sense. Otherwise you are running around trying to affirm yourself and affirm your experiences when this precludes seeing things as they are.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity