Thursday 27 November 2014

Thursday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

Thursday Link Encyclopedia and Self-Promotion | Clarissa's Blog

Of course we need to look at the way the intellect functions and the kinds of environments it best prefers. The more we can move toward ACTUAL universalism, as opposed to POSITED universalism (which is an error and pretty much the opposite of actual universalism, as it creates traps), the happier those of intellectual disposition are. That’s why they oppose structures that demand a limited range of meaning, such as nation states. At the same time, the opposite principle seems to apply, more or less, economically. Look at it this way. The bath is full of water but there are countries where the bath has no water. The sides of the bath are the laws pertaining to the nation state. Remove the walls and share your bath water with those countries where the water keeps running away, because they can’t afford to erect walls. That is what you get when you have a totally globalised economy. It may seem rational to remove the walls of your bath tub and let the water level settle where it may, but it is actually incautious and rather crazy.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity