Monday 24 November 2014

The Profound Unfairness of Going Viral | Clarissa's Blog

The Profound Unfairness of Going Viral | Clarissa's Blog

People don’t want to hear anything even slightly bad about life or anything and if they start to have a sensation of any sort they freak. That’s an impression that has gorwn tremendously more convincing to me. In fact in the 90s that wasn’t so, but lots of males were bleating then that life was too hard and that compared to women they had it easy. The old system was on its way out, hence the bewailing of one’s lost place in the hierarchy, but now we have everything being treated as a product, and passive consumer hostility to anything a little bit sad, a little bit trying, a little bit intellectually difficult to grasp.
Therefore, having said “I divorce thee” three times, I am done with this society. I am no longer governed by any of its social considerations and will do as I please.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity