Thursday 18 October 2012

wo/MEN can only process "feelings"

A great site:

  • Jan Marra and Martha Tholanah like this.
  • Terre Spencer I could not even count the times that a man has talked right over me…
    13 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Well that's because they've experienced every aspect of your life, only more rationally
    12 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Terre Spencer You mean rational sans all emotion but anger?
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Just like understanding that it's all basically trivial and nothing to spend any thought about. Not complicated.
    11 hours ago · Like · 2
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong They've experienced every aspect of your life that way.
    11 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Terre Spencer And woe to women who call them assholes for doing so…
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Yes, because there is no point getting het up about something trivial and not complicated.
    11 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jan Marra "Why are women always getting so upset? What did a man ever do to you, sweetie?"
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong I read through quite a lot of the stories and it seems like in most of them, the men assumed they had already transcended female experience, including academic learning.
    10 hours ago · Like · 1
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Especially, with regard to gender studies as an academic topic, the mansplainers stated that they just "didn't let issues of gender bother them". That's convenient, like not letting global warming or federal politics bother you.
  • LeeAnne Fourcrows Hensley They will tell you what the best course of prevention is for birth control, even if they're not doctors. They will tell you how to give birth, even if they're not doctors. They'll tell you that your menstrual symptoms aren't that bad, even though they have no idea what a menstrual period feels like. So it's not too shocking when they'll correct your thinking in matters of intellectualism  And it shall be no shock to them when we inform them of the one thing they don't know that they should be aware of: that they're pompous assholes who could stand to shut up.
    9 hours ago · Unlike · 2
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Yeah, they simply know that it's all about making a big fuss about nothing; that your life is defined by nothing, that that is all there is-- nothing to understand about it.
  • LeeAnne Fourcrows Hensley Be quiet, and be handy- that's all a woman is supposed to know.
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Apparently so. We can move around and have a capacity for visual appearance, but we can't communicate content.
  • LeeAnne Fourcrows Hensley No. We shouldn't communicate at all, because we do not have the capacity to analyze things. So everything we say is wrong before it ever comes out of our mouths.
  • LeeAnne Fourcrows Hensley Since we're unwilling to accept that things are only bad because we choose to perceive them that way, they're not interested in our point of view.
    8 hours ago · Unlike · 1
  • Jennifer Frances Armstrong Yeah, that is it. We can only process "feelings" but these feelings are necessarily disorderly because they don''t readily succumb to the Will of a Deity
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