Thursday 26 May 2016

Vlog 92 Healing

I have also felt like I was trying to save people from themselves, especially blood relatives. When the trauma is too deeply buried, we can't really help them very much, it seems. Or maybe we do help them in all sorts of ways that we will never understand. I think people do intrinsically recognize the truth, even infants do, or especially infants do, but they can't always find the strength inside of themselves to respond to it. All the same, having someone in the vicinity who constantly represents and upholds the truth likely makes things better in all sorts of hidden ways.
As for matter of playing into the narc's hand by speaking in a straight and direct manner, some of us do and some of us don't and some do to only a partial extent.
I realize that I am really so foreign and really so multi-layered that I risk only a bit by speaking directly and straightforwardly.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity