Tuesday 19 April 2016

Vlog 25 Healing

That's why I listen to your videos -- we had similar upbringings, I think. Certainly when the contemporary Westerner speaks as if I had a relationship with my parents that may have had subtle shades of nuance, I think they really do not understand things. There were no subtle nuances and never have been. How I was raised was like a slightly wild animal, maybe a civet, that could not be fully trusted because it was not domesticated enough. Then as I approached adulthood, there was an attempt to break me so as to domesticate me. There were beatings and accusations that came from nowhere. Modern people would assume, and state, that surely these actions must have come from somewhere and that I must have caused them, but this was entirely untrue. I'd had no real relationship with my parents, as bears repeating, so I didn't cause it by any subtle attitude or reaction. The point of breaking me at a certain age was just to make me into a more useful animal for society. It wasn't to do with an interaction or a relationship. I find the contemporary person's insistence that there was a relationship there to be confusing and insulting.

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Cultural barriers to objectivity