Monday 18 July 2016

Narcissists are Stuck in the Past - YouTube

Narcissists are Stuck in the Past - YouTube: "Uncle Claw2 hours ago

Interesting: my narc is always repeating the mantra "you're living in the past" or "the past is the past" anytime his past of inappropriate behavior is brought up. Projection?
Laura Pasternack U.K. 
yes. and deflection
Yes! In my experience, my ex would attack, accuse, blame me for all the things he did, to the power of 100.
Jennifer Armstrong 
Narcs don't like a genuine recounting of history. They like the present illusion. They call the genuine recounting "living in the past". They demand that everyone only succumb to the sanitized illusions of the present, ungirded by historical fact. They are politicians and master manipulators. If you see a culture that disregards and dismisses the past, it is probably highly narcissistic.

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